Alcone's 3rd Degree is an extremely versatile silicone product that is great for resurfacing skin, small out-of-kit effects and can even be poured into molds. A fantastic addition to any special effects kit, 3rd Degree can take the place of traditional putty and modeling waxes and can even be used as an alternative to liquid latex for those with latex allergies or skin sensitivity. Just mix in a 1:1 ratio (equal parts), Parts "A" and "B" on a mixing palette, apply directly to the skin and begin to sculpt your wound. (Be sure not to cross-contaminate the jars!) This product has approximately 10 minutes of working time before the silicone cures and becomes solid.
- Add texture and eliminate shine with a stipple sponge
- Right before your 3rd Degree has fully set, use a little 99% Alcohol to smooth and blend the edges into the skin
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Altro da Scar and Wound FX
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